اخبار در 60 ثانیه VOA – تاریخ 1 سپتامبر 2021
در این ویدیو از مجموعه اخبار در 60 ثانیه شبکه VOA، به اتفاقات اخبار سراسر دنیا پرداخته خواهد شد.
توضیحات اخبار 60 ثانیه VOA
In Afghanistan, a member of the Taliban says the militant group is protecting “people’s property and lives” in Kabul but a new government is not in place after the U.S. withdrawal.
The U.S. military said its Operation Allies Rescue aims to provide housing on its bases for as many as 50,000 Afghans who fled their country.
The United Nations weather agency says weather disasters displaced 31 million people last year, almost as many as those displaced by conflicts.
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