دانلود اخبار Press TV با متن pdf – خبر 7
در این ویدیو از کانال اخبار Press TV با متن خبر شماره 7 را برای شما آماده و منتشر کردیم.
توضیحات خبر
The first refugees fleeing from conflict-stricken Ukraine have arrived in northern Italy, as Europe braces, the media are saying, for a major humanitarian crisis.
So far, arriving refugees, who mostly comprise women, children and the elderly, have been registered in four Italian regions, namely Trentino, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
In addition, scores of African-born expats have joined hundreds of thousands of people who are trying to escape Ukraine and cross into Poland and other neighboring countries.
Reports have emerged suggesting that many black refugees have been subjected to racist and unfair treatment at the border with Poland.
Nigeria and South Africa have denounced such discrimination, calling on border officials in Ukraine and its neighbors to treat their nationals equally.
About 30,000 Africans, mostly from Nigeria, Morocco and Egypt reside in Ukraine. They make up more than 20% of Ukraine’s international students, attracted by the country’s good technical and medical schools combined with relatively low fees.
The Italian government has recently agreed to redistribute Ukrainian refugees across the European Union. Italy will likely receive 13% of the total allocation.
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Mario Draghi said- while reporting to the Senate on the Ukraine crisis- “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a decisive turning point in European history.”
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