مجموعه Study English برای آیلتس سری دوم – قسمت 11
زبان ویدیو: در این ویدیو قسمت یازدهم از سری دوم مجموعه آموزشی Study English برای آمادگی آزمون آیلتس را با زیرنویس انگلیسی و متن ترانسکریپت کامل ویدیو برای شما آماده شده است.
متن ترانسکریپت ویدیو
Hello. I’m Margot Politis. Welcome to Study
English, IELTS preparation.On Study English today, we’ll talk about the
language of speculation and take a look atidentifying the future tense. Speculating
about the future is a very important languageskill for the IELTS speaking test.
But first, let’s watch today’s story. We’ll
visit a mangrove forest where we’ll meet oneof the more interesting animals that calls
the forest home – the goanna, and a new animal– the cane toad – that might be threatening
the mangrove goanna.Possibly because it’s very hard to get into
the mangroves all year round, especially inthe wet season when there’s a lot of water.
This site’s one of the only spots where youcan get in without a boat all year round so
that’s why we chose it.Are cane toads likely to come into mangrove
mud flats like this?It’s probable that they’ll come in small numbers,
but from radio tracking these goannas it lookslike the mangrove goannas will head out onto
the flood plain and they do seem to eat frogsso it’s possible that when the cane toads
arrive here on the flood plain in big numbersthe goannas will eat them. So it’s possible
there’ll be an impact.We expect that most of the goannas are going
to eat a cane toad and die, but we’re justhoping that some of them, even a small proportion,
won’t be interested in eating a toad and they’rethe ones that will be living to pass on their
genes and hopefully bring numbers of goannasback up, eventually.
So the scientists aren’t sure what will happen
in the future.When we’re trying to ‘predict the future’
– or speculate about what might happen – wehave several language choices.
Let’s put together a list of our options.
First, we have verbs. We could use verbs like:
suspect or hope
Second, we can use modal verbs.
For example:
might or
Or, we can use conditionals like if:
For example:
If I pass the exam I will buy myself a new
DVD.Other conditionals use similar constructions
like this:If, I might, or
If, I could
We might also use discourse markers to speculate
about the future.Some examples are:
or even: you never know
And, finally, we can use adjectives.
It’s likely that
it’s unlikely that, or
it’s possible that
So here’s our list of choices:
We can talk about the future using:
modal verbs
discourse markers or
Now, let’s hear some of these in practice.
Listen to James Smith talking about what might
happen to the cane toads and goannas.It’s probable that they’ll come in small numbers,
but from radio tracking these goannas it lookslike the mangrove goannas will head out onto
the flood plain and they do seem to eat frogsso it’s possible that when the cane toads
arrive here on the flood plain in big numbersthe goannas will eat them. So it’s possible
there’ll be an impact.He says, ‘it looks like’ the mangrove goannas
will head out.When discussing the future, there are many
verbs we can use. For example:it looks like
it seems
I expect
I hope
I imagine or
I suspect.
These verbs are followed by future tense constructions.
In our example James says:
It looks like the mangrove goannas will head
out.He uses the future tense, ‘will’, to say what
the goannas will do in the future.Let’s hear more from James:
We expect that most of the goannas are going
to eat a cane toad and die, but we’re justhoping that some of them, even a small proportion,
won’t be interested in eating a toad and they’rethe ones that will be living to pass on their
genes and hopefully bring numbers of goannasback up, eventually.
James says:
We expect that most of the goannas are going
to eat a cane toad.Expect is the verb.
And are going to eat uses the future tense
to predict what will happen.James also uses discourse markers.
He says that if goannas don’t eat toads then
this will hopefully bring numbers of goannasback up.
Discourse markers like hopefully, maybe, possibly
or probably can all be used to speculate aboutthe future.
They can also give us an idea about what the
speaker thinks. James hopes the goannas willsurvive.
The final item on our list was adjectives.
Listen to how James uses adjectives to speculateabout the future.
It’s probable that they’ll come in small numbers,
but from radio tracking these goannas it lookslike the mangrove goannas will head out onto
the flood plain and they do seem to eat frogsso it’s possible that when the cane toads
arrive here on the flood plain in big numbersthe goannas will eat them. So it’s possible
there’ll be an impact.James says:
It’s probable, and
It’s possible
These are examples of using adjectives to
show that the speaker is talking about somethingthat ‘might’ happen in the future. James is
speculating about things that ‘might’ happen.In English, we can also say it’s likely.
So we can have:
It’s probable the cane toads will come.
It’s possible the cane toads will come.
It’s likely the cane toads will come.
In each of these cases, we use the future
tense – will come.In English we have to decide which tense to
use when referring to things that might happenin the future.
English uses three verb forms when referring
to future actions – the simple future, thepresent continuous and the future continuous.
We can use the simple future – that’s will
plus a verb – there will be.We can also use 2 forms of the present continuous
– either the auxiliary verb to be plus thepresent participle, or the auxiliary verb
going to with a main verb.Finally we can use the future continuous – will
plus the auxiliary verb to be plus the presentparticiple.
Listen for the future tenses in this clip:
We expect that most of the goannas are going
to eat a cane toad and die, but we’re justhoping that some of them, even a small proportion,
won’t be interested in eating a toad and they’rethe ones that will be living to pass on their
genes and hopefully bring numbers of goannasback up, eventually.
There were three examples in that clip.
Are going to
Wont’ be and
Will be
Did you hear them? Listen again.
We expect that most of the goannas are going
to eat a cane toad and die, but we’re justhoping that some of them, even a small proportion,
won’t be interested in eating a toad and they’rethe ones that will be living to pass on their
genes and hopefully bring numbers of goannasback up, eventually.
He says: Some cane toads ‘will be living’
to pass on their genes.Will be living uses the future continuous
tense.He also says: Are going to eat. That uses
the present continuous tense.The present continuous tense is used to describe
actions in the immediate future that are definiteor planned.
A good example of the present continuous tense
is:What are you doing tonight?
I’m going to see a film.
And that’s all for Study English today.
Let’s take a look back at the things we’ve
talked about.First, we looked at the language of speculation
– the language you use to talk about thingsthat might happen in the future.
We saw examples of
VerbsModal verbs
Discourse markers and Adjectives
Then, we looked at examples of future tenses
– the simple future tense, the present continuoustense and the future continuous tense.
And if sometime in the future, you need some
help with your English – why not visit ourStudy English website. You will probably find
everything you need.And that’s all for today. I’ll see you next
time for more Study English. Bye bye.
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