4000 لغت انگلیسی با ترجمه – بخش 4 – درس 11
مجموعه 4000 لغت انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی کاری اختصاصی از سایت زبان ویدیو برای یادگیری لغات این مجموعه کتاب می باشد. برای تماشای سایر ویدیوهای کانال 4000 لغت انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی کلیک کنید. در این آموزش از سری ویدیوهای یادگیری 4000 کلمه ضروری انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی سایت ZabanVideo درس 11 از بخش چهارم این مجموعه را همراه تمرین و پاسخ برای شما آماده کردیم.
توجه: برای تهیه ویدیوهای مجموعه 4000 لغت ضروری انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی کلیک کنید.
لیست لغات درس 11 جلد 4
ترجمه فارسی |
واژه انگلیسی |
اتحاد، پیوستگی | alliance |
تحسین | applause |
مسلح | armed |
قابل اطمینان
authoritative |
تشریفات، مراسم | ceremony |
تمدن، فرهنگ | culture |
دفاع | defense |
جزییات | detail |
مختلف، متنوع | diverse |
مجذوب کردن | enchant |
تجهیز کردن | equip |
استثنا | exception |
ژانر، دسته | genre |
اثر شدید | impact |
جلب کردن | lure |
سد، مانع | obstacle |
پناهگاه | shelter |
نوع، گونه | sort |
تامین کردن | supply |
مغرور | vain |
در این ویدیو شما واژه های بالا را همراه با تصویر، تلفظ و مثال یاد خواهید گرفت:
تمرین های این درس
Choose the right word for the given definition.
- to provide the things that someone needs to do something
- a. sort
- b. enchant
- c. equip
- d. lure
- a safe place
- a. genre
- b. shelter
- c. defense
- d. culture
- holding a weapon
- a. authoritative
- b. vain
- c. diverse
- d. armed
- pieces of information
- a. details
- b. impacts
- c. applause
- d. supplies
- a group working together
- a. ceremony
- b. alliance
- c. exception
- d. obstacle
Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
- Please put into different groups all the leaves you find.
- Everybody was very interested when Kate read that beautiful poem out loud.
- The performer heard great sounds of people clapping their hands.
- Tim takes a long time to get ready because he is so concerned with how he looks.
- Ocean life is made up of a wide variety of things.
- What is your favorite kind or style of music?
- The special event will start at 8 o’clock tonight.
- The city’s only action taken to protect itself was to build a giant brick wall around it.
- Ben went through many problems before he finished his project.
- Most girls like to play with dolls, but Samantha is the one who doesn’t conform.
Part A: Match the phrases to make complete sentences.
- a. was popularized by artists like Picasso and Dali
- b. is to wear a lot of sunscreen
- c. with pencils, scissors, and a lot of glue
- d. known for its interesting folk art
- e. into coming to the museum with me
- f. tonight at the Royal Crown Hotel
- g. talk about herself for hours and hours
- h. into three equal groups
- i. was not being able to read very well
- j. the jewelry store and stole diamonds
- I’m going to try to lure my friends .
- Sort the pieces .
- The biggest obstacle Mary faced .
- The genre of abstract art .
- The awards ceremony is .
- Mexican culture is .
- The best defense against skin cancer .
- The students were equipped .
- An armed man ran into .
- The vain woman could .
Part B: Match the clauses to make complete sentences.
- a. and officer Jones is no exception
- b. and her work impacted many lives
- c. but everyone else is enchanted by her
- d. but I like a diverse selection
- e. so we ran inside for shelter
- f. so they will form an alliance
- g. and the crowd gave him great applause
- h. so he supplied them with blankets
- i. but it had so many details that he couldn’t finish
- j. because he sounds authoritative when he speaks
- It started raining really hard, .
- He saw that the children were cold, .
- Police officers work very hard, .
- Everyone always trusts Seth .
- Mother Teresa was a very well-known person, .
- He only likes one type of music, .
- James tried to write the report last night, .
- I don’t really like Jennifer, .
- Bob and Eric both want to beat James at the game, .
- The performer did a great job, .
مشاهده ویدیوی کامل و تمرین های درس
برای مشاهده ویدیوی کامل این درس و تمرین های آن با جواب باید اشتراک زبان ویدیو داشته باشید. از طریق قسمت ثبت نام فرم زیر می توانید اقدام به خرید اشتراک نمایید و یا اگر اشتراک دارید وارد شوید. در ضمن حجم مصرفی اینترنت در سایت بر روی تمامی اپراتورها بصورت نیم بها محاسبه می شود.
توجه: این ویدیو قابل دانلود نمی باشد.
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Choose the right word for the given definition.
1 c. equip
2 b. shelter
3 d. armed
4 a. details
5 b. alliance
Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1 sort
2 enchanted
3 applause
4 vain
5 diverse
6 genre
7 ceremony
8 defense
9 obstacles
10 exception
Part A: Match the phrases to make complete sentences.
1 e. into coming to the museum with me
2 h. into three equal groups
3 i. was not being able to read very well
4 a. was popularized by artists like Picasso and Dali
5 f. tonight at the Royal Crown Hotel
6 d. known for its interesting folk art
7 b. is to wear a lot of sunscreen
8 c. with pencils, scissors, and a lot of glue
9 j. the jewelry store and stole diamonds
10 g. talk about herself for hours and hours
Part B: Match the clauses to make complete sentences.
1 e. so we ran inside for shelter
2 h. so he supplied them with blankets
3 a. and officer Jones is no exception
4 j. because he sounds authoritative when he speaks
5 b. and her work impacted many lives
6 d. but I like a diverse selection
7 i. but it had so many details that he couldn’t finish
8 c. but everyone else is enchanted by her
9 f. so they will form an alliance
10 g. and the crowd gave him great applause
Sometimes famous people are vain. They only care about themselves. But Josephine Baker was an exception. In the 1930s and 1940s, Baker was one of the most famous women in France. She was a big part of the new jazz genre and culture and had a diverse group of fans. The French people especially loved her. And she loved France. So when World War II started, she wanted to help the nation that had given her so much.
In 1940, armed German troops entered Paris. When this happened, some French people formed a secret alliance. It was called the French Resistance. The group worked for the defense of France. It helped the European and American armies fight the Germans.
Baker was an important member of the Resistance. She had three jobs. The first was to carry messages to and from other members. The messages were written in code on her sheets of music. The second was to provide shelter and supply goods to Resistance members. It would have been dangerous if the Germans found them.
Baker’s third job was the most important. Baker held concerts for European politicians and army members. She lured them in, promising an entertaining show. She enchanted them with her singing and dancing and got lots of applause. But Baker was always equipped with a small notebook at these concerts. She listened for details about the war and wrote them down. Baker sorted the details and gave authoritative reports to the Resistance.
Some thought Baker’s fame would be an obstacle. The Germans knew who she was, but they didn’t think she was smart enough to work for the Resistance. So she could get information from the Germans easily. This helped the Resistance and the French army save lives and win the war.
Baker had a big impact on the Resistance’s work. She got many awards for her help. When she died, the army had a special ceremony to thank her again for her bravery.
Part A: Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to make them true.
- Baker’s first job was to carry messages written in code to and from European politicians.
- Baker provided shelter for Resistance members and supplied them with goods.
- Baker was always equipped with a small notebook during her concerts.
- In 1940, armed German troops entered Europe.
- Baker enchanted politicians and army members with her singing and dancing.
- Baker sorted details about the war and gave authoritative reports.
Part B: Answer the questions.
- Which genre of music was Josephine Baker famous for?
- a. She was famous for jazz music.
- b. She was famous for blues music.
- c. She was famous for rock music.
- d. She was famous for country music.
- What happened when the Germans entered Paris?
- a. Armed soldiers fought them.
- b. Baker lured them back to Germany.
- c. The French formed a secret alliance.
- d. They sent messages in code.
- What was Baker’s most important job?
- a. To provide shelter
- b. To give authoritative reports
- c. To write messages in code
- d. To have a diverse group of fans
- What happened when Baker died?
- a. The army had a special ceremony.
- b. Baker had an impact on France.
- c. Her fame became an obstacle.
- d. The Resistance found her secret codes.
Part A: Mark each statement T for true or F for false. Rewrite the false statements to make them true.
1 F / Baker’s first job was to carry messages written in code to and from Resistance members. /
2 T
3 T
4 F / In 1940, armed soldiers entered Paris. /
5 T
6 T
Part B: Answer the questions.
1 a. She was famous for jazz music.
2 c. The French formed a secret alliance.
3 b. To give authoritative reports
4 a. The army had a special ceremony.