4000 لغت انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی و تمرین – سری دوم – درس 3
زبان ویدیو: در این ویدیوی آموزش لغات زبان انگلیسی، درس سوم از سری دوم آموزش ۴۰۰۰ لغت ضروری زبان انگلیسی را همراه تمرین های کامل و متن ریدینگ با سوالات و جواب برای شما آماده کردیم.
مشاهده ویدیوهای بخش اول این مجموعه
لیست لغات ۴۰۰۰ لغت ضروری زبان انگلیسی سری دوم – درس ۳
در این ویدیو شما واژه های زیر را همراه با تصویر، تلفظ و مثال یاد خواهید گرفت:
ترجمه فارسی | واژه انگلیسی |
تیر، پیکان | arrow |
نبرد، پیکار، نزاع، جنگ | battle |
قوس، کمان | bow |
بی پروا، دلیر، سرزنده | brave |
فرمانده، سالار، پیشرو | chief |
اشکال، زیان، ضرر، وضع نامساعد | disadvantage |
دشمن | enemy |
مدخل، ورود، ورودیه | entrance |
بشدت | hardly |
قصد داشتن، خواستن، خیال داشتن | intend |
خنده، صدای خنده بلند | laughter |
هیزم | log |
ارتش، جنگی، نظامی | military |
تسلیم شدن، سرسپردن | obey |
محکم، مطمئن، امن، بی خطر | secure |
محکم، پر پشت، ثابت، پی در پی | steady |
مسئولیت، اطمینان، اعتماد | trust |
رویه، فوقانی، بالایی | twist |
مگر، مگراینکه | unless |
سلاح، اسلحه | weapon |
مشاهده این ویدیو – اختصاصی فست زبان
برای مشاهده این ویدیو و تمرین های آن باید اشتراک زبان ویدیو داشته باشید. از طریق قسمت ثبت نام فرم زیر می توانید اقدام به خرید اشتراک نمایید و یا اگر اشتراک دارید وارد شوید.
توجه: این ویدیو قابل دانلود نمی باشد.
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تمرین ها
در ادامه تمرین های درس ۳ مجموعه 4000 لغت ضروری انگلیسی را برای شما آماده کردیم که می توانید با استفاده از آنها میزان یادگیری لغات این درس را بسنجید.
Part A: Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.
- bow / log
Please put another on the fire; it’s getting cold in here.
The woman shot the arrows with a . - enemy / military
If our country’s army is weak, our might attack us.
Long ago, Greece had the most powerful in the world. - obey / trust
Because I respect my parents, I their rules.
We cannot Bob because he often doesn’t do what he says he’ll do. - intended / secured
I a job with a big company yesterday.
I to go to the store, but I didn’t have time. - battle / disadvantage
The rain was a for the other soccer team.
During the at sea, many ships sank.
Part B: Choose the right word for the given definition.
- a person of the highest rank
- a. brave
- b. obey
- c. chief
- d. trust
- barely or almost unable to do
- a. hardly
- b. unless
- c. secure
- d. disadvantage
- to wrap around itself or another thing
- a. steady
- b. arrow
- c. bow
- d. twist
- to plan to do
- a. laughter
- b. intend
- c. battle
- d. military
- space used to go into an area
- a. enemy
- b. entrance
- c. log
- d. weapon
Write the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
- I could not find the place to go in to the movie theater.
entr - At work. Mr. Smith is the person with the highest rank.
ch - He lost the fight because his object used for hurting people was broken.
wea - I barely know my neighbors. I don’t see them very often.
ha - His giggle made other people smile.
laug - The long, straight stick with a pointed end hit the center of the target.
a - The little boy was not afraid to look under his bed for the monster,
b - Snakes wrap themselves around the tree branches,
tw - Johan was afraid of heights, but he remained under control and finished the climb.
st - If we don’t stop for gas soon, the car will run out.
Part A: Choose the word that is a better fit for each sentence.
1 log / bow /
2 enemy / military /
3 obey / trust /
4 secured / intended /
5 disadvantage / battle /
Part B: Choose the right word for the given definition.
1 c. chief
2 a. hardly
3 d. twist
4 b. intend
5 b. entrance
Write the word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1 entrance
2 chief
3 weapon
4 hardly
5 laughter
6 arrow
7 brave
8 twist
9 steady
10 unless
This is a true story. It happened long ago in Greece….
“We must fight,” the Spartan* chief told his small army of brave men. They were at a great disadvantage. There were only three hundred of them. The Persian military had hundreds of thousands of men.
They were going to lose unless they could secure a small entrance. The enemy couldn’t move through it easily. They intended to stop the enemy here. The chief and his men got ready for the battle.
Soon, long lines of the enemy’s army twisted around the hills. The chief met the enemy with laughter. He knew that his men’s weapons and skills were better. The Spartans trusted their leader and obeyed him.
First, the enemy soldiers shot arrows from their bows. The chief told his men to lift their shields*. The arrows stuck into the shields but did not hurt any of the men.
Then the enemy’s soldiers attacked the Spartans with long spears. The chief surprised them. His troops rolled logs down on the enemy.
They fought for three days. Though they hardly slept at all, the chief and his men remained steady.
But the enemy found a way to beat the Spartans. The chief and all of his men were killed. Even though they lost, the Battle of Thermopylae is one of the most famous battles in history.
* Spartan – a soldier from the city of Sparta in Greece
* shield – a piece of wood or metal that soldiers carried to protect themselves
Answer the questions.
- What is this story about?
- a. How an enemy made an attack against shields
- b. Why logs were rolled down on soldiers
- c. How a small disadvantaged army nearly beat a large military
- d. Why good soldiers obey their leaders
- Why was the smaller army not afraid of the larger one
- a. The larger army didn’t have any weapons.
- b. The smaller army had better weapons and skills.
- c. The larger army did not trust their leader.
- d. The smaller army did not intend to fight.
- The brave men knew they would lose __________.
- a. because they heard the soldiers’ laughter
- b. unless they secured the narrow entrance
- c. against the other army’s bows and arrows
- d. hardly any men fighting the large army
- According to the passage, all the following are true about the Persian army EXCEPT __________.
- a. their long lines of soldiers twisted around the hills
- b. they used bows and arrows
- c. they had a steady three-day attack against the Spartans
- d. they used fire to defeat the Spartans
Answer the questions.
1 c. How a small disadvantaged army nearly beat a large military
2 b. The smaller army had better weapons and skills.
3 b. unless they secured the narrow entrance
4 d. they used fire to defeat the Spartans