۴۰۰۰ لغت انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی – درس ۲۱ با تمرین
زبان ویدیو: در این ویدیوی آموزش لغات زبان انگلیسی، درس ۲۱ از سری اول آموزش ۴۰۰۰ لغت ضروری زبان انگلیسی را همراه تمرین های کامل و متن ریدینگ با سوالات و جواب برای شما آماده کردیم.
لیست لغات درس بیست و یکم 4000 لغت انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی
در این ویدیو شما واژه های زیر را همراه با تصویر، تلفظ و مثال یاد خواهید گرفت:
ترجمه فارسی | واژه انگلیسی |
ظاهر شدن، پدیدار شدن | appear |
پایه، پایگاه، اساس، بنیاد | base |
مغز، هوش، مخ | brain |
مقام یا شغل | career |
منشی، دفتردار | clerk |
تقلا، کوشش | effort |
بدست آوردن، وارد شدن، در آمدن | enter |
بسیار خوب، عالی، ممتاز | excellent |
مبارز، دلاور، قهرمان | hero |
عجله کردن، شتابیدن | hurry |
آگاه کردن، گفتن، خبر دادن | inform |
دیرتر، بعدا | later |
عازم شدن، رفتن | leave |
تعیین کردن، معلوم کردن، قرار دادن، تعیین محل کردن | locate |
پرستار | nurse |
عمل، گردش، اداره | operation |
تیر کشیدن، درد کشیدن | pain |
امتناع کردن، سرپیچی کردن | refuse |
باوجود اینکه، با وجود آن | though |
مختلف، متنوع، گوناگون | various |
ترجمه: آبادیس
تمرین های درس بیست و یکم مجموعه یادگیری 4000 لغت ضروری انگلیسی
در ادامه تمرین های درس ۲۱ مجموعه 4000 لغت ضروری انگلیسی را برای شما آماده کردیم کapaه می توانید با استفاده از آنها میزان یادگیری لغات این درس را بسنجید.
Fill in the blanks with the right words from the word bank.
- locate
- hero
- pain
- hurried
- clerk
Check (V) the one that suits the blank naturally.
- When I went to the hospital, ____________.
- ____ a. the nurse gave me medicine
- ____ b. all the doctors and nurses will leave
- He arrived on time, but Sarah won’t be here___________.
- ____ a. until much later
- ____ b. leaves in the morning
- I really like that writer. He wrote an___________.
- ____ a. effort of a story
- ____ b. excellent book
- After I dropped the book on my foot,____________ .
- ____ a. I was in pain
- ____ b. I hurried home
- He did not want to go to the party. He __________________ .
- ____ a. appeared ready to go
- ____ b. refused to get into the car
Check (V) the sentence with the bolded word that makes better sense.
- ____ a. Because the base of the lamp was broken, it could not stand up.
- ____ b. I decided to leave early so that I could be late.
- ____ a. The roof was at the base of the house.
- ____ b. I had an operation to fix my broken nose.
- ____ a. The various movies were all the same.
- ____ b. I like dogs, though I don’t like most animals.
- ____ a. I will leave early in the morning to catch my plane.
- ____ b. My friends and I decided to throw an operation for my sister.
- ____ a. Though I was rich, I bought a lot of cars.
- ____ b. I made an effort to get the job done.
- ____ a. He never used his brain when he faced problems!
- ____ b. The job appeared very quickly.
- ____ a. I entered the house through the door.
- ____ b. I threw the effort with all my might.
- ____ a. She appeared very happy on her birthday.
- ____ b. People use their brains to exercise.
- ____ a. I informed him of the new rules.
- ____ b. I entered out of the room.
- ____ a. The rock informed me that I was too heavy.
- ____ b. There were various things to do at the event.
Fill in the blanks with the right words from the word bank.
1 locate
2 clerk
3 hero
4 pain
5 hurried
Check (V) the one that suits the blank naturally.
1 a. the nurse gave me medicine
2 a. until much later
3 b. excellent book
4 a. I was in pain
5 b. refused to get into the car
Check (V) the sentence with the bolded word that makes better sense.
1 a. Because the base of the lamp was broken, it could not stand up.
2 b. I had an operation to fix my broken nose.
3 b. I like dogs, though I don’t like most animals.
4 a. I will leave early in the morning to catch my plane.
5 b. I made an effort to get the job done.
6 a. He never used his brain when he faced problems!
7 a. I entered the house through the door.
8 a. She appeared very happy on her birthday.
9 a. I informed him of the new rules.
10 b. There were various things to do at the event.
I first met 8-year-old Katy on a rainy afternoon. I was a nurse at a hospital. The clerk at the desk told me about Katy. She was there because she felt a lot of pain. The doctors located a problem at the base of her brain. I knew she was special, even before she got better. I’ll always remember Katy as a hero.
When I entered Katy’s room, she was not in her bed. She was in a chair next to Tommy, a little boy. Though Katy did not feel well, she was playing with Tommy and his toys. It took a lot of effort for her just to sit in the chair. But she played with Tommy because it made him happy.
Katy was always smiling and never appeared to be in pain. She refused to just lie in bed. One day I found her painting a picture. Later, she gave it to one of the older patients. Another day she went outside to get flowers for another sick little girl. Katy made everyone smile.
The doctors hurried to fix the problem in Katy’s brain. The operation was successful! The doctors informed the hospital staff of the good news. Katy was fine. She soon felt excellent. She got better and was able to leave the hospital a month later.
I have had a long career as a nurse. I have met many patients. However, I have never met another girl like Katy. Even after she got well, she still came to the hospital. She played various games with the young patients. She read many books to the older patients. Katy’s kind heart helped her get better so quickly. She is a hero to me and everyone else at the hospital.
Answer the questions.
- What is this story about?
- a. A clerk with a brain problem
- b. A little girl who is a hero
- c. A little girl who wants a career as a nurse
- d. Tommy and his various toys
- Why does everyone like Katy?
- a. She does good things, even though she is in pain.
- b. She enters the hospital and saves a patient’s life.
- c. She has a problem at the base of her brain.
- d. She hurries to help the clerk at his desk.
- Which of the following is true at the end of the story?
- a. Katy refuses to go back to the hospital.
- b. Katy makes an effort to become a nurse.
- c. Katy feels excellent but goes back to the hospital to see other patients.
- d. Katy informs other patients of how to get better.
- How did the nurse know Katy did not feel well?
- a. Katy appeared to be sad.
- b. Katy had to make an effort just to sit in a chair.
- c. The nurse located a problem in Katy’s brain.
- d. The nurse asked Katy how she felt.
Answer the questions.
1 b. A little girl who is a hero
2 a. She does good things, even though she is in pain.
3 c. Katy feels excellent but goes back to the hospital to see other patients.
4 b. Katy had to make an effort just to sit in a chair.
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