معرفی کامل ساختار آزمون PTE
زبان ویدیو: اگر قصد شرکت در آزمون زبان PTE را دارید در این ویدیو با ساختار و بخش های مختلف این آزمون بصورت کامل آشنا شوید. برای مشاهده سایر ویدیوهای مرتبط با این آزمون کانال آموزش آزمون PTE را دنبال کنید.
توضیحات ویدیو
If you have never taken the PTE before then start with this video. Jay will very quickly take you through EVERY PTE Academic question type from PTE speaking to PTE listening. He’ll show you what each of the PTE tasks look like and explain how they work. His descriptions and explanations — as well as tips and tricks — include:
PTE Speaking
Read Aloud
Repeat Sentence
Describe Image
Re-tell Lecture
Answer Short Question
PTE Writing
Summarize Written Text
Write Essay
PTE Reading
Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks
Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers
Multiple Choice, Single Answer
Re-order Paragraphs
Fill in the Blanks
PTE Listening
Summarize Spoken Text
Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers
Fill in the Blanks
Highlight Correct Summary
Multiple Choice, Single Answer
Select Missing Word
Highlight Incorrect Words
Write from Dictation
دانلود ویدیو و زیرنویس انگلیسی
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