پادکستهای BBC – انگلیسی که ما صحبت میکنیم: فوت کردن تار عنکبوت
احساس خستگی یا بی حوصلگی می کنید و به انرژی بیشتری احتیاج دارید؟ وقت آن است تار عنکبوت ها را فوت کنید! اگر مطمئن نیستید که عبارت Blow the cobwebs away به چه معناست، حتما این قسمت از مجموعه انگلیسی که ما صحبت می کنیم را از کانال BBC مشاهده کنید.
متن ترانسکریپت
Hello, I’m Feifei and welcome to The English We Speak.Neil
… and hello, it’s Neil here. Are you feeling OK Feifei – you don’t look very happy?Feifei
Oh Neil, it’s been a stressful week – I’ve been working late, I’m so tired – and I’ve had no time to do any housework – my house is a mess!Neil
Isn’t your house always a mess?!Feifei
Ha ha, very funny!Neil
Seriously, you need a break. Take some time off.Feifei
Easier said than done – but how will that help?Neil
Well, having a break from work will help blow away the cobwebs.Feifei
Excuse me? Are you saying I should take time off so I can do my housework – and get rid of all the cobwebs in my house – do you think my house is haunted Neil?Neil
I never said you said had cobwebs in your house – what I meant was, get some fresh air – do some exercise, get rid of that tired feeling – that’s ‘blowing away the cobwebs’!Feifei
Got it! So no spiders involved?Neil
Absolutely not. Let’s hear some examples of this phrase in action.Examples
Do you want to go hillwalking this weekend? It might help you blow the cobwebs away.I’ve been stuck indoors for days, I need to blow the cobwebs away and go for a run.
I know studying is hard, why don’t you go for a walk in the park to blow the cobwebs away? It might help you think more clearly.
‘To blow the cobwebs away’ is the same as ‘to blow away the cobwebs’. It means to get some fresh air and exercise so that you feel refreshed and can think more clearly. So it’s about feeling more lively and alert?Neil
Now how about blowing the cobwebs away with me and going for a run?Neil
Running? Oh I don’t know… I’m feeling a little tired actually.Feifei
Don’t be so lazy Neil! Come on, it’s time to blow away your cobwebs too!Neil
Maybe I could do your housework instead?Both
from BBC
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