previously we set her loose on the likes of Harrison Ford a Victoria Beckham Hugh Jackman and of course Dwayne the rock Johnson apparently we haven't learned our lesson here's what happened when we sent Alison to meet Hollywood legend Angelina Jolie why is it taking so long to come back it's been oh hey geez she had to grow up I was 14 mr. Fawlty yes Angelina and I we had the first movie and she's kind of watched me grow up and now here we are again and you know I'm older I feel like we we have this bond where it's like I was accepted I felt which was kind of amazing as one of the women on set did you learn anything from our Angelina with my children I'm very silly in light but in life sometimes I'm not and and being with her as a child it brought out when you you know this this lighter side of me softness in me and it continues to be our relationship where she smiles at my strength and that my toughness and and the wickedness and yeah and she's very loving and then she makes me kind of goofy and sweet and soft if this film says anything it's about embracing your differences being your true self and if anything shutting you down or making you less than you are or or judging you but they don't even know you just shut it out and and take them to be listen to this woman all day long you're amazing I hope that you went paintballing and bowling oh yes we did sports we can get into this yeah we won it was the most competitive you're just crazy things like shooting people on your own team I was people aren t we had I may take it too seriously knowledge but we did but we didn't tell production it was one of those like don't tell them what listen girls let's get horny okay well listen obviously this is a fairy town I'm thinking let's talk fairy tales fairy tales fails you know what the magic word is girls now Aurora was a Sleeping Beauty I'm not I'm literally dribbler like sleepwalking are you sleeping beauties no I really really like I've heard that I sleep like a dead person I think I'm so cuz I you know me a pace and I pace all day long so I think I'm so like then my body just goes Cinderella forgot my glass slipper what should be your biggest wardrobe malfunction I have ripped my trousers once right up in the ground I've been see-through in that knowing it but I'm not sure other people found out either I don't think people would mind to be honest Angelina thank rapunzel was always having issues with her hair do you have bad hair days oh yeah yeah the lady does my hair I'm sure can hear this but I walked in this morning and saw her cuz I slept on my half too last night I had on the thing and she had a kind of like okay and had the oh if the cameras were here now but you knew the trees the behind the same what is going on did you like the come true thank you so much they seem very yeah so dance aware and Angelina she just got that air about you just want to listen to her and after that interview I stayed and was chatting took a photo because sometimes they get up she was talking about her kids they're on tour with her doing the press junket with her there all the time they're going to the premiere that she's just such a lovely lines reciting if you've got any kids I was like I've got a nice it's not and then I was talking about madam going off to university and I said you alright back she said he was so close we speak all the time she's just really like warm and just I don't know what she's normal person she's like birds but she's not but she was probably in awe of meeting you my god it's Allison and you