in our top story china has pledged to safeguard the iran nuclear deal and defend the legitimate interests of its relations with tehran commerce ministry spokesman made the remarks during a briefing gao fang said that his country has now received notices of sanctions on iranian oil from the new u.s administration now this says the biden administration has said it will hold off on lifting sanctions unless tehran comes comes back into full compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal tehran has rejected washington's demands saying it was the u.s which abandoned the u.n indoors to court and therefore should be the one to take the first step former u.s president donald trump withdrew from the deal back in may 2018 and pledged to bring iran's oil exports down to zero through his so-called maximum pressure campaign but he never achieved the goal joining us out of lima peru is peter koenig geopolitical analyst hello peter hope you're safe and doing well your thoughts how the chinese fit into this whole spat between washington and iran when it comes to the jcpoa thank you very much for having me yes i think it's absolutely correct what tehran decides to do i would like to congratulate the iranian government for this step which is super necessary against president biden and i also would like to congratulate china that they maintain their relationship with iran i think this is a good move for iran to actually see the east rather than the west as their future and i believe there is absolutely no reason for tehran to make concessions if anybody has to make the first step as they say hey it is the united states and uh and not iran i would absolutely agree with that statement and i'm very happy that i see that this uh this development which i had actually in order to uh already many times thought that this this was the right way to go and and when you say that you welcomed you know iran's shifting more so to the east and the west when it comes to trade what is it about that narrative that you find more appealing the east compared to the west sorry can you repeat the question i didn't quite get it yeah you mentioned uh that you appreciate the fact that and you you indulge in the fact that iran is turning more so to the east and the west why so oh yes well i think it's very clear it's very clear that the future is in the east the future is uh with china and china's association countries with the shanghai corporation organization uh with the with the bloc china russia that is the future i think the west has committed suicide by its greed by its sanctions by its lies and by its slandering of other countries and especially by these absolutely illegal sanctions that it dishes out i think this is this is the demise of the west and therefore it is uh very clever and natural to move eastwards and do you see beijing playing a part in uh perhaps behind the scenes and getting the jcpoa between uh the world powers and particularly between washington and tehran revived again because we know that beijing has its own spats and issues and routes with washington over a host of issues well i don't know about that but i think this uh this nuclear agreement could very well be in an agreement which which excludes washington why does washington have to be part of it because washington broke it why can't it be an agreement between russia china and iran and possibly the europeans although i believe the europeans are not ready for something like that they are still too much under the boot of washington so why why not having an agreement between between the the three the three countries which would be a new alliance and i think a very healthy alliance and it goes in this direction and as i said before for me it's a very very positive move good stuff always a pleasure to have you on and joining us from lima peru peter koenig geopolitical analyst stay safe peter